Cube Globe Box
Using the classic box pattern with self-locking tabs, this cube globe template is easy to make and useful for any number of applications. Use it as a paper desk toy, decoration, or a ‘double” gift: the wrapping itself is also a present! Make it just for fun, or as an educational tool.
In 1929 the French poet Paul Eluard wrote “La terre est bleue comme une orange.” The earth is blue like an orange. So it seemed fitting to make both a blue and an orange version of this cube globe.
The box is 2.25″ (5.5cm) and is formatted to be printed on letter sized sheets, but the template can also be printed on A4. In addition, the download includes a larger line drawn version for a 3″ (7.6cm) box, formatted to print on tabloid sized paper, allowing more space for coloring or for adding the names of continents, oceans or countries.
Other globes to download and make:

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