HomeItemPop-up House Kit

Pop-up House Kit


The pop-up paper house kit comes with everything you need to make this two story, eight room, and incredibly detailed foldable house.

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For the US, USPS priority shipping fee $15.
International fist class shipping will cost $30.

This limited edition kit includes seventeen templates, cut, scored and ready to fold and assemble into eight pop-up rooms complete with all the furniture and accessories. The rooms open and close as easily as a book. Features a closet, which opens to reveal hanging clothes, mirrors in the bathroom and over the baby’s crib, a Steinway grand piano, and artwork throughout the house.
pop-up paper house kit contents

cardboardstructureThe kit also includes a lightweight but sturdy corrugated cardboard house structure which is printed with matching graphics, die-cut and ready to assemble without any additional tools or hardware. Put it together like a simple 3D puzzle, and pull it apart when you’re ready to store your pop-up house flat.

The shipping box can be saved and used to store the completed house when it is not in use.

Pop-Up Paper House Kit Assembly

pop-up paper house kitThe pop-up paper house kit comes with fully illustrated instructions, or view the video tutorials here.

You will need to fold the cards, glue them together and attach them to the house structure. An experienced paper crafter can finish the project in under two hours, a beginner will need an afternoon or two. Build the cards in the same order as shown on the instructions, from easiest to most difficult. By the time you finish the project you will be an expert paper folder!

For the US, USPS priority shipping fee $15 (for a single kit).
International fist class shipping will cost $30 (for a single kit).

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Replacement rooms or DIY download

A printable version of the same house is available for download here. You will need to print the templates yourself, then cut and score each card. Since they are the exact same size as this kit, the rooms can be used as replacements in case one of your cards is damaged. Rooms can also be downloaded individually. The download version of the pop-up paper house is NOT included with your kit, it needs to be purchased separately.

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