When Technology fails…
We only send out newsletters to people who really want to be a part of this paper crafting community. That’s why, even though it’s a bit annoying, we ask everyone to opt in to our emails TWICE. Once when you request to join our newsletter list, then again when we send out an automated confirmation email.
But we also want to make sure we reach you when you ask to join! So we were quite upset to discover that our automatic opt-in emails had not been going out. Thousands of you signed up but never got the chance to confirm your subscription, so you’ve been out of the loop through no fault of your own. We tried sending everyone another opt-in newsletter, but that also failed miserably: we will spare you the technical details, but let’s just say we enjoy paper much more than html, smpt, dns, spf and all those other acronyms.
What more can we say? We’re sorry. And to prove it, you can download our appology card for free using the discount code SOSORRY till November 30. 2020.
Subscribe (again)!
Look out for that confirmation email, and make sure you confirm your subscription!
You can get this huge 30% discount on the purchase of the pop-up house kit, but you have to hurry! See details in the newsletter below:
Start ridiculously early!
This October, I decided Make Anything Pop-Up would be sending you your very first holiday sales pitch. Here it is, just in time for Halloween (scroll to the bottom — it includes a very cute Halloween card as well…)
Time for another…
Holiday Newsletter!
Here’s the latest, which includes a limited time offer for a 30% discount off the pop-up paper house kit.
‘Tis the Season…
This newsletter also features a brand new Mother and Child pop-up card design, as well as an old favorite white dove for peace.
It’s on, it’s live, and it’s necessary if you want to get lots of Rubik’s cubes to give out as gifts or party favors! I launched my second Kickstarter campaign, and I’m crossing my fingers, hoping it will be as successful as the first one.
At stake (for you) is the possibility of getting these awesome paper puzzles in bulk. Because making one or two is fun, but even for me it gets tedious after cutting a dozen. Support me, and you’ll also be able to get a customized cube with your message or logo.
At stake (for me) is the ownership of the mechanism I invented.
I know mid September is a bit late for a “back to school” card — so to make up for my tardiness you can have this new card for free. From now till September 30th use the coupon code BACK2SCHOOL when you check out.
This template is printed on one side of a single sheet of paper so it’s very easy to make a finished card (complete with the front and interior) in just a few minutes. The download includes instructions and two versions, one with the text pictured below, the other blank (the pencils are there but not the text or doodle). This means you can make up your own caption; this doesn’t have to be a “Back to School” card, it can be used for any occasion you dream up.

Just in case you missed it, here’s my last newsletter…
I have been having chronic speed and shopping cart troubles lately. To solve these issues I am switching to a new web host. Hopefully this should resolve most of my problems, but it MIGHT also create new ones, specifically bad links. Please let me know if something is not working correctly on this website. To thank you for your patience and your help, I’m having a little 10% moving sale throughout the site, from now till June 16th 2013, by which time my website should be comfortably settled in its new digs. Use the discount code MOVING when you check out to get your discount.
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