Blank pop-up house
Do you want to hang paintings by Rembrandt or Picasso on your walls, color your sofa purple or own a priceless antique oriental carpet? This template can make all those dreams come true — it’s up to you, since you’re the decorator.
The blank pop-up house includes PDF files for eight rooms and for the foam core house structure which will hold them all together. Each pop-up card, which creates the floor, one wall and all the furniture, is made of a single sheet of paper which you can print on standard letter sized paper. Cut on the lines, fold along the dots and dashes, then unleash your creativity.
These rooms fit into the same house structure as the pop-up house kit and download, so you can swap rooms around if you tire of a particular decorating scheme.

When you’re all done, don’t forget to take pictures and share your work with the world!

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